A Unified Measurement & Analysis Software

Seamlessly collect and combine a variety of data in Noraxon’s all-in-one software platform, myoRESEARCH, also known as MR. The integration of EMG, force, pressure, 3D motion and high-speed video is complemented by automatic synchronization, simplifying your workflow and providing reliable real-time data. Collection, review, analysis, and reporting is now a streamlined process, even with data from many complex biomechanics recording systems.

Consolidate data without compromising on insights.

One Company • One Software • Limitless Insights

Customize your myoRESEARCH software to support any combination of Noraxon modules to fit your specific measurement needs.


Surface and
Fine Wire EMG
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Wireless Full Body
3D Kinematics
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Gait, Stance and
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Jump and Kinetic Strength Testing
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Video Data
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Third-Party Analog
Signal Integration
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Streamlined User-Friendly Workflow

Boost your productivity with an intuitive interface and streamlined processes that allow for an efficient data collection and analysis workflow.

  • Setup hardware and measurement configuration settings
  • Record measurements and use real-time data with visualizations for biofeedback
  • Manage data and select recordings to review or export
  • Playback records and alter data with signal processing tools
  • Communicate calculated metrics and customize layouts to fit your needs

Synchronized & Integrated Tech Ecosystem

Seamlessly connect and integrate multiple measurement devices to eliminate data silos and evaluate human movement completely.

  • Setup multiple hardware profiles to accommodate different measurement applications
  • Synchronize any combination of modules to simultaneously record data from EMG & IMU sensors, pressure products, force plates, third party devices, and up to 4 video cameras

Automated & Customizable Reporting

Save time and effort with automated reporting features, while also having the flexibility to customize reports to meet your specific needs.

  • Over 40 report templates are available to analyze recorded data
  • All report templates can be customized using simple report editing tools
  • Compare reports of multiple records to evaluate the differences between measurements

Real-Time Data Visualization & Feedback

Gain instant insights and feedback with real-time data visualization to enhance the effectiveness of your measurements.

  • Configure biofeedback protocols to interact with real-time data from any integrated hardware device
  • Drive biofeedback training with auditory and visual cuing by establishing target values or thresholds

Total Data Access & Control

Enjoy complete control over your data with local storage and robust access controls to manage, share, and protect data as needed.

  • Establish an external storage site for the MR3 database on alternative and portable hard drives or local network servers
  • Data can be tagged and filtered within the database to show only a specific subset of projects, subjects, or records
  • Backup, copy, or share recordings using intuitive import/export functions

Point-and-Click Signal Processing Tools

Easily process and analyze signals with a user-friendly point-and-click interface that simplifies complex data processing tasks for better efficiency and repeatability.

  • Apply signal processing routines to data channels before measurement to improve data collection workflow
  • Save signal processing routines and apply them to multiple records at a time for simplified data processing

Academic License

We offer a complimentary analysis-only version of our software to current MR3 users. Further your education, practice your techniques, and process data outside the lab!

  • 6-month license
  • Comprehensive signal processing and reporting capability
  • Access to broad technical support

Maintenance & Support

Make sure you have all of the newest features of myoRESEARCH®. When you subscribe to the Software Maintenance & Support Plan, you’re entitled to:

  • The latest myoRESEARCH® software upgrades
  • Ongoing software support and training
  • Admission for 2 to our Annual Users Meeting

Click the buttons below to learn more about
the latest version of myoRESEARCH.

Ergonomics Toolkit

The myoRESEARCH Ergonomics Toolkit seeks to address the need for a streamlined biomechanics analysis system by providing a solution that is easy to use, accurate, adaptable, and portable through our fully integrated hardware/software package. The Toolkit and our modular platform can accommodate both rapid analysis configurations and comprehensive biomechanical analysis when necessary, including standardized ergonomic analysis tools for the NIOSH Lifting Equation, Static/Dynamic Posture Analysis, and REBA & RULA scoring methods.

3 Sensor Timed Up & Go

The Timed Up & Go (TUG) test is a simple assessment tool used to evaluate an individual’s functional mobility and balance. Automatically measure the time it takes to perform the test along with over 40 temporal and kinematic parameters using only three Ultium Motion sensors positioned on the feet and upper spine.

myoMOTION Model Optimizer

Selectable model optimization routines have been added for enhanced kinematic data cleaning, including:

  • Adaptive sensor fusion and model stabilization
  • Foot, shank, thigh, and spine drift correction
  • Adaptive segment, joint, and contact constraints

myoRESEARCH Platform Features

Reference Database

Compilation of user-defined reference data to be used as a comparative data set in curve analysis reports.

Continuous or Multi-Activity Recordings

Record measurements with manual start and stop functions or design multi-activity sequences to automatically segment data.

Setup External Database

Establish an external storage site for the MR3 database on alternative and portable hard drives or local network servers.

Quick Analysis Report

A configurable analysis report accessible from the right-side toolbar in the Viewer. This report allows for easy and quick access to basic analysis parameters of a user-selected interval across almost any data stream.

Editable Signal Display & Screen Layouts

Organize signals into tabs or overlay them on top of one another with drag and drop functionality. Save custom screen layouts for future use or utilize default signal categories.

Visual & Audible Biofeedback Methods

Configure biofeedback protocols to interact with real-time data from any integrated hardware device. Drive biofeedback training with auditory and visual cuing by establishing target values or thresholds.

Action Bar & Built-In Help Menu

Efficiently move through the software workflow using the omnipresent green action bar and access context-specific help information through the integrated help menu.

Custom Subject Properties

Users can create or delete subject properties from the subject info list to include specific demographic data in their subjects’ profiles.

GPX Data Import (GPS Devices)

Integrate GPX data from external GPS devices to illustrate translation and compare with other measured data.

HTTP Streaming to 3rd Party Software

Connect to an HTTP server to enable real-time data streaming from MR3 to 3rd party programs.

Import/Export Measurement Configurations

Import or export measurement configurations to share or backup measurement settings and schemes.

Real-Time Signal Processing

Apply signal processing routines to data channels before measurement to improve data collection workflow.

Password Protected Access

Set a password to protect access to the MR3 software.

3-Tiered Database System


Batch Signal Processing

Save signal processing routines and apply them to multiple records at a time for simplified data processing.

Comprehensive Marker Menu & Custom Labels

Segment data using automatic or manually defined markers, create custom labels to indicate specific events or periods, and apply markers in real-time or after measurement has been recorded.

Link Hardware Profiles & Measurement Configurations

Setup multiple hardware profiles to accommodate different measurement applications when hardware is limited. Link hardware profiles to measurement configurations to eliminate the extra step of reassigning sensors or adjusting hardware settings.

Multi-Device Measurement Configurations

Synchronize any combination of myoRESEARCH modules to simultaneously record data from surface EMG & inertial motion capture sensors, pressure treadmill/platform/insoles, 3D force plates, and up to 4 video cameras.

Right-Side Toolbar & Operations Menu

Intuitive toolbar on the right side of the screen adapts to the different actions performed throughout the software to maintain efficient operation.

Record Tagging & Database Filtering

Data can be tagged and filtered within the database to show only a specific subset of projects, subjects,or records.

3D Muscle & Sensor Selection Maps

Interactive 3D model allows users to easily label or activate sensors when editing a configuration.

Screen Capture & Snapshot Tools

Built-in screen recorder allows users to capture record playback in various formats with customized screen layouts. Export high-resolution screenshots of the myoMOTION avatar and other 3D animations to use in application reports or presentations.

Playback Bar & Viewer Tools

Users can replay video or animated recordings at different speeds using the playback buttons at the bottom of the Viewer screen. Perspective and visualization tools are also presented at the bottom of the individual animation windows.

Data Import/Export Tools

Backup, copy, or share recordings using intuitive import/export functions. Import data from other MR3 installations in its native format or 3rd party programs via text or C3D formats. Export data to the native MR3 format as well as text, Excel (CSV, SLK), MATLAB, XML, or C3D formats.

Customizable Reports & Templates

Over 40 report templates are available to analyze recorded data. All report templates can be customized using simple report editing tools.

Python-Based Formula Editor

The Python-based formula editor allows the application of math functions to and between all measured signals to create new signals that can be analyzed in any of the MR3 reports.

Reference Curves Button

Users can easily apply reference curves to reports from the sample database or user-defined reference database by selecting Show Reference Curves from the right-side toolbar.

Print to PDF Button

The direct Print to PDF button will help simplify the daily routine of PDF report printing.

Report Comparison Options

Compare reports of multiple records to evaluate the differences between measurements.

Report History & Short Cut

This function stores all processed reports and allows direct access through the report history list.

Report Editing Shelf Function

Users can replace, duplicate or create a new report element using the shelf function within the right-side toolbar.

Signal Edit Menu

Interact and modify recorded data using the edit menu within the right-side toolbar of the Viewer screen.

Import/Export Reference Curves

Share existing reference data between projects and software versions.

CSV Export for Report Parameters

Export all calculated and statistical report parameters in a CSV format. Amend or overwrite an existing CSV file using the same report type to build up external databases or interact with 3rd party software.

Ultium Battery Life Indicator

Battery life indicators for all Ultium sensors are provided in MR3 allowing users to monitor battery life in real-time and receive alerts for low charge levels.

5-Stage Workflow

HOME – Setup hardware and measurement configuration settings.
MEASURE – Use real-time data and visualizations for biofeedback and record measurements.
DATABASE – Manage data and select recordings to review or export.
VIEWER – Playback records and alter data with signal processing tools.
REPORT – Communicate calculated metrics and customize layouts to fit your needs.

Mouse Functionality for Signals & Animations

Use a connected mouse to easily interact with data signals.

  • Left-click: select or rotate object
  • Right-click: access options menu for object
  • Scroll mouse wheel: zoom in and out on object
  • Click & hold mouse wheel: reposition object
  • Drag & drop: overlay or reorder signals

myoMUSCLE Features

EMG Baseline & Impedance Checker

Quickly evaluate EMG RMS baseline noise and frequency content to understand overall signal quality. Determine the quality of skin preparation using the built-in impedance checker.

Streamlined MVC Normalization

Configure a measurement to apply amplitude normalization to multiple signals in real-time. Easily edit normalization techniques after the fact with the signal processing tools.

Lossless & Offline Data Recovery

Flash memory chips built in to each sensor store any data packets that cannot be sent to the receiver due to transmission interference or being out of range. Quickly recover stored data and fill in the gaps for multiple recordings at a time using the offline data recovery tool.

Automatic SmartLead Detection (Ultium)

Automatically detect Ultium SmartLeads with a single click in the Hardware Setup.

Integrated IMU Data (Ultium)

Measure and record acceleration, angular velocity, and magnetic field amplitude simultaneously with EMG using the Ultium system. Enable IMU data for individual sensors during measurement setup.

3D Anatomical Muscle Map

Interactive 3D model allows users to easily label or activate sensors when editing a configuration.

myoMOTION Features

Course Stabilization & Correction Modes

Remove low-frequency sensor drift to stabilize course angles. Depending on what is needed, stronger or weaker correction approaches can be applied.

Detailed Magnetometer Table

Evaluate and characterize the magnetic environment to provide optimal settings for calibration and kinematic measurement.

Spatial Gait Parameters

Spatial gait and running parameters are provided based on calculated estimates using trajectory data from the myoMOTION foot sensors.

Functional Calibration Routines for Challenging Magnetic Environments

Using accelerometer-based techniques to correct course misalignments, functional calibration routines are driven by an integrated software wizard to help mitigate magnetic distortion. There are three calibration routines built into the software to provide suitable methods for any given environment.

Multiple Calibration Options

Different calibration poses are available to provide an optimized calibration of the IMU system for the desired application. Options include: standing straight, standing with elbows flexed at 90 degrees, and sitting with elbows, hips, & knees flexed at 90 degrees.

Lossless & Offline Data Recovery

Flash memory chips built in to each sensor store any data packets that cannot be sent to the receiver due to transmission interference or being out of range. Quickly recover stored data and fill in the gaps for multiple recordings at a time using the offline data recovery tool.

Manual Contact Correction

In records with difficult ground contact patterns, users can manually define foot contacts when automatic detection fails.

Gap Filling Routine

Fills gaps in data caused by heavy transmission interference or unstable recovery with automatic interpolation enabled by one button click.

Manual Bone Dimensions

Manually size and correct subjects with abnormal anthropometrics to enhance translational animation and  spatial parameter calculations.

Selectable Bone Animation

Select which bone segments are shown on the skeletal avatar in the myoMOTION animation window.

Secondary Knee Angles

Enable the measurement of knee ad/abduction and rotation angles.

Magnetometer Control

Enable or disable the use of magnetometer data during kinematic measurements.

Calibration Adjustment Tool & ISB-Compliant Modeling

Digitize landmarks to scale and position the myoMOTION model to match a subject and eliminate the assumptions used in the standard calibration. This tool provides options to use ISB-compliant modeling and also allows the myoMOTION IMU system to be used with clinical populations that cannot achieve the standard calibration poses.

Detailed Magnetometer Table & Distortion Warnings

Prior to calibration, users can determine a clean calibration spot using the details of the magnetic vector magnitude and magnetic inclination or dip angle provided in the table in the right-side toolbar. Additional color-coded warnings are provided in the table and on the avatar to notify users if the magnetic environment is not homogeneous across sensors.

Bilateral Gait Report with Spatiotemporal Parameters & Curve Analysis

Using the contact detection algorithm, users can automatically generate a bilateral gait report equipped with spatiotemporal gait parameters, such as step length and cadence, as well as left-right averaged curve analysis to investigate side-to-side differences during walking and running.

Soft Tissue Motion Artifact Correction

Users can enable a model correction algorithm to stabilize soft tissue artifacts so that joint angles and trajectories are smoother and better represent the true movement of the skeletal system.

Optimized Single Segment Angles

Single segment rotational data can be enabled for simpler interpretation of pelvis and foot motion.

Gait & Jump Contact Detection

Automatic detection of footfalls and jump contacts are represented as square waves that can be used to segment other measured data and calculate temporal gait and  jump parameters.

Selectable Avatar Visualization

Users can select which bone segments are shown on the skeletal avatar in the myoMOTION animation window.

Raw Data Mode

Raw IMU component (accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer) data can be captured for customized sensor fusion and analysis in third party programs.

Exportable Quaternion & Trajectory Data

Individual sensor quaternions and landmark trajectory data can be exported to any of the available formats for further analysis.

Magnetic Stabilization & Correction Modes

Remove low frequency sensor drift due to magnetic distortion and stabilize sensor course angles to achieve more accurate measurements in challenging environments and applications. Depending on what is needed, stronger or weaker correction approaches can be used.

3-Sensor Timed Up & Go

The Timed Up & Go (TUG) test along with over 40 temporal and kinematic parameters have been added to evaluate an individual’s functional mobility and balance using only 3 Ultium Motion sensors positioned on the feet and upper spine.

Relative & Translational Animation

Landmark trajectory data can be displayed in the myoMOTION avatar animation window as either a relative motion or a translational motion with the floor applied. Users can visualize motion patterns of specific landmarks to better understand repetitive movement or translation across 3D space.

Anthropometric Estimation & Custom Bone Lengths

Automatically estimate segment lengths by body height or enter specific segment information to improve translational animation and spatial parameter calculations.

Intuitive Viewer Tools

Rotate, move, and zoom the myoMOTION avatar animation to create a meaningful visualization of movement.

Selectable Reference Frame for Acceleration Data

Acceleration data can be measured with respect to either the global (Earth) or local (sensor) coordinate frames.

Custom Angle Calculations

Users can create their own angle definitions between two sensors that may not be connected in the myoMOTION body model.

More Avatar Options – Meet Movi!

An alternative avatar is now available for users who do not wish to use the skeletal avatar for their applications.

Sensor Demagnetization Tool

A tool has been added to MR3 allowing for the field calibration of the magnetometer within an Ultium Motion sensor.

Animation Optimizations

  • A natural adduction of the femur in neutral standing has been applied to the model.
  • Avatar animation has been improved to better handle femur roll artifact.

Calibration Offset Adjustments

A 5° forward tilt has been applied to the thigh & shank segments to produce a more natural and balanced center of mass position during the default calibration position. This results in a reduction of artifacts in gait contacts previously due to the unnatural vertical positioning of the lower limbs underneath the pelvis.

Expanded Single Segment Angles

Single segment angles have been added for all the anatomical body segments.

Lean Forward Calibration

An additional functional calibration method has been added for a quicker and easier alternative if the physical environment is not suitable for the Walking calibration method.

myoMOTION Model Optimizer

Selectable model optimization routines have been added for enhanced kinematic data cleaning, including:
•  Adaptive sensor fusion and model stabilization
•  Foot, shank, thigh, and spine drift correction
•  Adaptive segment, joint, and contact constraints

Ergonomics Toolkit

Automated & objective ergonomics tools for standard human factors assessments have been added. These tests include:

  • NIOSH Lifting Equation
  • RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) Scoring
  • REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) Scoring

myoFORCE Features

Isokinetic Dynamometer Integration & Reports

Integrate torque, velocity, and angle data from Biodex, BTE, and CSMi isokinetic dynamometers. Analyze torque-velocity profiles and neuromuscular activation patterns with synchronized EMG and detailed analysis reports for each system.

Force Vector Overlay on Video

Display the force vector on the synchronized reference video to understand the magnitude and direction of the ground reaction force. Easily position the force vector on video with a 4-click routine guided by an integrated wizard.

COP Tracing

Users can visualize center of pressure (based on 3D force plate data) with a 3D animation for multiple force plates. Relative force plate positions can be configured so that COP tracks can be displayed for applications with different force plate setups, such as side-by-side or staggered. COP tracing can also be used in reporting.

3D Force Treadmill Integration

The h/p/cosmos 3D Gaitway Treadmill is integrated into MR3 for more detailed gait analysis and research. This is the only instrumented treadmill to support 3D force measurement and pressure distribution.

Automatic Jump Detection

MR3 automatically detects the load, flight, and landing phases of a jump to provide a quick and easy analysis of jump strategies.

Jump Analysis Routines & Reports

MR3 is equipped with automatic jump detection and reports with over 40 calculated parameters. Countermovement, squat, broad, and drop jumps are all supported.

3D Force Plate Integration

3D force plate hardware from AMTI, Bertec, and Kistler are supported in MR3.

Jump Report Parameter Filters

Parameter tags are used to provide a simple filtering scheme for the 35+ vertical jump parameters available in the jump report.

Phase Definition for Jump Loops

The jump loop report element can now be restricted to the loading or landing subphases and the force inputs can be side separated.

Jump Landing Parameters

Jump landing strategy has been shown to influence performance and risk of injury during sports. Eight new jump landing parameters are now available for more detailed insights into jump landing techniques and results.

myoPRESSURE Features

1-to-1 Scale Gait Report

Print a single or averaged pressure map to the scale of an actual foot size. The digital data or printed report can be used to fit insoles or address other foot deformity interventions.

Velocity Related Gait Parameter Norms

Normative ranges are included in the bilateral gait reports for all phase and temporal gait parameters. This includes support for velocities from 1.5 to 6.5 km/h.

Multi-Plate Configuration

Connect two pressure plates in sequence to create an extended walkway for overground gait analysis.

Normalized Force Calculations

myoPRESSURE Stance Mode allows for body weight normalization to be used in real-time biofeedback and measurement in order to understand relative forces and bilateral weight distribution.

Automatic Step Detection

Difficult gait and foot contact patterns are automatically detected with optimized step detection algorithms. This includes patterns with extreme crossover, asymmetric or incomplete contacts, and subjects using
mobility aids.

Gait & Stance Operating Modes

myoPRESSURE measurements can be completed with two different operating modes. Gait Mode allows for dynamic data capture during walking or running. Stance Mode allows for static data capture during balance assessments.

2D & 3D Pressure Animation

Freely rotate pressure animation with the mouse or select a top-down perspective to easily view the pressure distribution and CoP trace for each foot.

Frame-by-Frame Matrix Export

Pressure data can be analyzed and exported as a frame-by-frame cell matrix to allow users to complete custom analysis with the raw pressure data.

Maximum Pressure Plot Visualization

Enable the display of the maximum pressure value for each contact point of an entire step for faster visual analysis of the pressure distribution.

Zone Analysis

Plantar surface zone separations are based on the active area and mathematically divided to provide further understanding of specific impact locations, impact timing, and gait line characteristics. Each foot can be separated into three, seven, or ten zones for deeper analysis of the dynamic aspects and time-related properties of the vertical ground reaction forces.

Bilateral Gait Reports with CoP Analysis, Spatiotemporal Parameters, & Curve Analysis

Using the pressure distribution data, users can automatically generate a bilateral gait report equipped with center of pressure analysis, spatiotemporal gait parameters, such as step length and cadence, as well as left-right averaged curve analysis to investigate side-to-side differences during walking and running.

CoP Visualization & Analysis

Visualize the total or individual center of pressure during playback to understand the transition of force between and within steps. CoP lines are compiled in the gait report to provide a deeper analysis of the interaction between the foot and the ground.

Medilogic WLAN Integration

The Medilogic WLAN direct transmission pressure insole system is fully wireless and can transmit data with up to 400 Hz sampling. The wireless nature eliminates the need for a transmitter, synchronization device, or cabling that may affect gait and running activities.

Single Step Roll-Over Analysis

Analyze stance metrics, ground reaction force, and pressure distribution with the small pressure plate by performing alternating steps across the plate.

Time-to-Boundary Report Element

Time-to-boundary estimates how much time an individual has to make postural corrections in order to maintain balance. This element can be added to any pressure distribution assessment for enhanced insights into postural control deficits and tracking progress in balance over time.

myoVIDEO Features

Marker Tracking

Capture 2D kinematics and other video analysis metrics by tracking reflective markers throughout a video recording. Tracked markers provide time-series signals to use in reporting with other synchronized signals, such as force or EMG.

Supplemental Video Compression

Additional video compression can be applied when saving a record or for multiple records at once from the Database to save space on the local hard drive or wherever MR3 data is stored.

Synchronized Audio Recording

Sound recorded from cameras with built in microphones or an industrial microphone connected via USB can be synchronously recorded to video and other measurement signals. Sound events, sound characteristics or music can be integrated into the multi-device recording setups.

Selectable Video Formats

Recorded videos can be exported to multiple format types including: AVI, MP4, MKV, OGV, WMV, and MOV.

Sagittal Plane Gait Normatives

Published sagittal plane normative ranges for the lower extremities (Perry, 1992) are included within the POI gait reports for all 8 subphases of walking gait.

Point-of-Interest Report

Create an illustrative report with images and instantaneous data by signifying specific points in time during measured activities with the Add to Report button.

Multi-Camera Configurations

Connect and synchronize up to four NiNOX cameras for a multi-perspective video analysis.

Drawing Tools & Templates

Apply angular, distance, and other trackable drawings to recorded videos for access to 2D data. Save drawing templates for quick access.

External Video Import

Import video files captured with third party cameras. Supported formats include: AVI, MP4, MKV, OGV, WMV, and MOV.

myoANALOG Features

3rd Party Device Integration

Integrate any external device that can provide an analog signal. Synchronize the device with other Noraxon devices using the 16-channel Analog Input System or the Ultium Analog Input Probe.